Word Families

  1. Word Families Printables
  2. Word Families Printable

Word families are groups of words that have a common pattern or groups of letters with the same sound. For example, the “ain” word family includes brain, chain, gain, pain, rain, and so on. The following list of common word families come from Wylie and Durrell, 1970.


Word stems and word forms

Word Families 8: The Dog and the Log: v v v v. Select an LF Reader. Word Families 9: Hop, Hop, Hop: v v v v. Select an LF Reader. Word Families 10: A Wet Pet: v. Word Families 'Hey, diddle, diddle - The cat and the fiddle,' is a phrase from a well-known nursery rhyme that uses word families to teach students how to read and spell. When teaching word families, we would focus on a core five words each week, all from the same word family (i.e. To get started, I introduce the new word family, and the five focus words. Then, as a class, we brainstorm a list of other words with that same rime (the ending pattern). Word family activities help parents and teachers introduce and practice word families with young students. Word families are a fun and easy part of phonics that many kids like to practice. There are a large number and variety of fun activities that parents and teachers can try with their kids when practicing word families.

Most Ojibwe words used in speaking are complex; they have a core part called the stem which carries the basic meanings of the word, and usually have one or more inflectional parts (prefixes in front of the stem or suffixes after the stem) that carry additional meanings. The stem itself may be complex and contain other word stems as bases and word parts as affixes.

Throughout the Ojibwe People's Dictionary, you will see references to the stem of a word. The stem is not necessarily the word used in speech, but the base of the word that carries the meaning. However, knowing the stem is useful in forming related words.

On verbs, the inflections (prefixes in front of the stem or suffixes after the stem) tell about such things as:

  • who or what is involved with the action or state expressed by the stem as subjects or objects,
  • when the action or event takes place,
  • whether it actually takes place or not,
  • the attitude of the speaker toward the event,
  • the path or direction it took place on, and so on.

Nouns too can have inflections that indicate such things as:

  • plurality,
  • relationship to other words,
  • location,
  • relative size,
  • and possession.

The word stem itself might not be a full pronounceable word, but is the central part shared by the many different forms of a word stem. An example is 'see.' In English the verb SEE has five forms: see, sees, saw, seeing, and seen. In Ojibwe there are three related verb stems used for SEE, depending on whether there is an object or not and the animacy of an object, but each of these stems combines with prefixes and suffixes to form many thousands of possible spoken word forms. It isn’t practical to list all the forms of every word in an Ojibwe dictionary. For each word stem we pick one short form (often nearly the same as the stem) to be the head word of an entry, and then give as basic forms several other forms the stem is used in. These are picked to be either common forms or forms that give important information about the shape of the many other inflected forms of the stem.

Word parts

Many word entries have a word parts section that shows the make up of the stem of the word. Some of the parts shown are base words. The internal structure of the stem of a base word is shown when you select it to view its main entry and word part section. Other parts are word-building affixes. When you select one of these you can see more information about it and links to other words in the dictionary that use it.

Thanks to David H. Pentland, the dictionary’s consultant in Algonquian comparative linguistics, for his descriptions and translations of Algonquian word parts on which we have relied heavily.


Word families

Some of the important relationships between Ojibwe words are shown by grouping their entries together in a word family display. There, word stems that share a common base are shown under that base. Every time you look at word that is a member of a word family, you can see its relationship with the other words in its family in the word family panel at the upper right of the screen.

You can select each words within a word family to navigate to its entry. Most words in a word family will be labeled with a grammatical term that shows their roles within a word family. For example, many base words are transitive verbs with both an actor and a goal, but have within their word families intransitive verbs that downplay the importance of that goal of the verb (detransitive), that downplay the importance of that actor (verb of undergoing), that tell you that the actor is the same person as the goal (reflexive), that another person is added who benefits from the action (benefactive), and so on. Each of these word family members also has its own main entry in the dictionary.

We usually don’t include in a word family those words that are built on base words but the added part has a different concrete meaning rather than a role-changing function.

Below are explanations of the word family labels used in the Ojibwe People's Dictionary.


Word Family Labels

Word Family CodeWord Family LabelDescription
applicativeapplicativetransitive verb stem with an intransitive verb stem base
benefactivebenefactiveverb expressing an action done for the benefit of someone; transitive double object verb stem with a verb stem base
causativecausativeverb indicating that someone or something is caused or made to do something or to undergo a process or event; transitive verb stem with a verb stem base
derived nounderived nounnoun with a verb stem base
detransitivedetransitiveverb downplaying the role of a goal; intransitive verb with a transitive stem base. Also called an antipassive.
objoperceptionobject of perception verbverb describing how something is perceived; intransitive verb stem with a base similar to a transitive verb stem
reciprocalreciprocalverb in which the actor and the goal affect each other or mutually interact; intransitive verb stem with transitive verb stem base
reflexivereflexiveverb in which the actor and the goal are the same: intransitive verb stem with a transitive verb stem base
voabundanceverb of abundanceverb indicating the presence or abundance of something; intransitive verb stem with a noun stem base
voaccompanimentverb of accompanimentverb indicating that the actor of the verb accompanies or associates with the goal of the verb; transitive verb stem with a verb stem base.
voaddictionverb of addictionverb indicating habitual behavior, usually that which is considered detrimental; intransitive verb stem with a verb stem base.
vobeingverb of beingverb indicating being or becoming something; intransitive verb stem with a noun stem base
vocompassionverb of compassionverb indicating compassion or pity towards someone; verb stem with verb stem base
voundergoingverb of undergoingverb downplaying the role of the actor in which the goal becomes an actor; intransitive verb stem with a transitive verb stem base. Also called passive. They are often translated as an English active verb with an indefinite “they” actor or as a passive verb.
vouseverb of useverb indicating atypical use of something; intransitive verb stem with a verb stem base
vomakingverb of makingverb indicating making or processing something; intransitive verb stem with noun stem or verb stem base.
vopossessionverb of possessionverb indicting possession of something or a kinship relationship; verb stem with a noun stem base
vopretendingverb of pretendingverb indicating pretending to do or be; verb stem with a noun or verb stem base.


Some of the role-changing processes listed in the above table can be applied to words multiple times, resulting in combinations of meanings. Below are some examples of combination processes for word families.

Word Families

detransitive of benefactive
verb of undergoing of benefactive
reflexive of benefactive
reciprocal of benefactive

Word Families Printables

detransitive of causative
verb of undergoing of causative
reflexive of causative
reciprocal of causative

detransitive of applicative
verb of undergoing of applicative
reflexive of applicative
reciprocal of applicative

derived noun of detransitive
derived noun of verb of undergoing
derived noun of reflexive
derived noun of reciprocal

Word Families Printable

derived noun of verb of making
derived noun of verb of being
derived noun of verb of addiction