I Have Evidence!

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A growing number of House Republicans are calling on Rep. Adam Schiff (D-CA) to step down from his post as House Intelligence Committee chairman, citing his claims for the last two years that he had evidence the Trump campaign colluded with Russia.

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Schiff repeatedly suggested on cable news shows, in hearings, and on Twitter, that the Trump campaign colluded with Russia. His tweets received thousands of retweets and likes. On Sunday, Attorney General William Barr announced that Special Counsel Robert Mueller did not find collusion, conspiracy, or coordination.

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On Twitter alone, here are 14 of Schiff’s tweets over the last two years asserting there was evidence of collusion, or that the president’s campaign colluded with Russia.

1. March 19, 2017 — Schiff tweets there is “circumstantial evidence of collusion”:

Here’s where we begin our investigation into Russian interference – with circumstantial evidence of collusion & direct evidence of deception pic.twitter.com/1tobpyCjkj

— Adam Schiff (@RepAdamSchiff) March 19, 2017

2. July 16, 2017 — Schiff tweets that Don Jr.’s emails are “clear evidence” the Trump campaign wanted to collude:

Don Jr.’s emails are about as clear evidence as you could find of intent by the Trump campaign to collude with the Russians: pic.twitter.com/Q0C0CfUgqw

— Adam Schiff (@RepAdamSchiff) July 16, 2017

3. December 19, 2017 — Schiff asserts there is evidence of collusion on “public record”:

With the president continuing to claim that the investigations have produced no evidence of collusion, it is worth examining the public record after nine months of work.

Reality diverges sharply from Mr. Trump’s vehement denials.

— Adam Schiff (@RepAdamSchiff) December 19, 2017

4. March 12, 2018 — Schiff accuses House GOPs of putting “party over country” by finding no collusion:

Tonight, House Republicans decided to shut down the Russia investigation out of deference to the President and before we could learn the truth. History will judge them harshly for placing party over country. https://t.co/asb3CiaJUw

— Adam Schiff (@AdamSchiff) March 13, 2018

5. March 17, 2018 — Schiff claims Dems on the House Intelligence Committee “did find evidence of collusion”:

Mr. President, the Committee reached no such conclusion — only Republicans. In fact, we did find evidence of collusion, despite GOP members being more interested in protecting you than learning the truth. When accusing others of lying, best not to misrepresent facts yourself. https://t.co/fIuKPGyEN1

— Adam Schiff (@RepAdamSchiff) March 17, 2018

6. April 13, 2018 — Schiff suggests Trump’s attacks of James Comey is part of a collusion scheme:

On the day the President wrongly attacks Comey for being a “leaker and liar” he considers pardoning a convicted leaker and liar, Scooter Libby. This is the President’s way of sending a message to those implicated in the Russia investigation: You have my back and I‘ll have yours.

— Adam Schiff (@RepAdamSchiff) April 13, 2018

7. April 27, 2018 — Schiff suggests again there is evidence of collusion:

Mr. President, to conclude there is “no evidence” of collusion, you must ignore Russia’s extensive efforts to help your campaign, the litany of communications between Russia & your campaign, & the massive effort to conceal these contacts. Here’s the truth: https://t.co/ufM7sszcxWhttps://t.co/k2TX7LYfU5


— Adam Schiff (@RepAdamSchiff) April 27, 2018

8. April 27, 2018 — Schiff tweets again on the same day, that there is evidence of collusion “in plain sight”:

Throughout the investigation, Committee Republicans chose not to seriously investigate — or even see, when in plain sight — evidence of collusion between the Trump campaign and Russia. pic.twitter.com/1aa1tmX9Zb

— Adam Schiff (@AdamSchiff) April 27, 2018

9. July 17, 2018 — Schiff asserts Trump sided with Russia “over his own country”:

I Have Evidence That Will Lead To The Arrest

Today, President Trump tried to clean up the mess he made in Helsinki by siding with Russia over his own country. But the President couldn’t even bring himself to speak the written line that those who meddled would be brought to justice. No worry, Mueller is taking care of that. https://t.co/C5NLv4cUyd

— Adam Schiff (@AdamSchiff) July 18, 2018

1o. July 26, 2018 — Schiff tweets debunked story; asserts it means Trump “privately approved” help from Russia:

If allegation Trump ok’d June 9 meeting is true, it means he not only publicly appealed to Russia for help, but privately approved receiving it.

As forecast to Papadopoulos, that help would come in the release of Clinton emails. The conspiracy case may have just gotten stronger. https://t.co/7GULzPqkk4

— Adam Schiff (@RepAdamSchiff) July 27, 2018

Schiff I Have Evidence

11. July 30, 2018 — Schiff suggests Trump committed a crime by conspiring with Russians:

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In light of reports that Trump allegedly knew of and approved meeting with Russians, Giuliani is now arguing collusion is not a crime. True, but conspiracy is.

Still, does this mean the President’s mantra will change from “no collusion, no collusion” to “no crime, no crime”?

— Adam Schiff (@RepAdamSchiff) July 31, 2018

12. August 1, 2018 — Schiff states as fact, “The Russian collusion with the Trump Campaign may very well have been one of the most successful in history”:

The Russian collusion with the Trump Campaign may very well have been one of the most successful in history. Still, it seems a strange thing to brag about. https://t.co/aVte9DYmlV

— Adam Schiff (@AdamSchiff) August 1, 2018

13. August 31, 2018 — Schiff states that Russian intelligence agencies “helped Trump win”:

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Russian intelligence agencies helped Trump win so only fitting that one of their own should attend his inauguration. As if this were not enough, a GOP lobbyist helped the Russian intel operative illegally buy tickets.

Chalk up another Trump-Russia conviction in the witch hunt. https://t.co/GBPJ1RPpRO

— Adam Schiff (@RepAdamSchiff) August 31, 2018

14. January 16, 2019 — Schiff jokes that Trump’s policies are too obviously “pro-Russian”:

I used to joke that the best evidence the President is not an asset of the Russians is that his policies have been so pro-Russian that even the Russians would tell him, 'slow down, you're being too obvious.”

But the damage done to our security is no joke, and demands an answer. pic.twitter.com/LJWyqbBbad

— Adam Schiff (@RepAdamSchiff) January 16, 2019