
  1. Executors For Roblox
  2. Executors For Roblox
  3. Executor Of Will What They Cannot Do
  4. Executorservice Java 8
This entry includes information regarding both Pathologic (2005) and Pathologic 2 (2019).

Executors actions in dealing with an estate are frequently tested by the likes of HM Revenue & Customs, charity beneficiaries, difficult or disgruntled beneficiaries or co-executors. Using DIY executors can lead to host of issues at a sad time; Neil Raiseborough, head of private client department at Warwickshire law firm Alsters Kelley warns. Co-executors, on the other hand, are all primary executors who share the responsibility of managing the estate. If there are two or more adult children, many parents name them as co-executors so that they aren't perceived as favoring one child. Your will can dictate how co-executors fulfill their duties. Did you know that there are typically more than 100 tasks executors need to complete to settle an estate? Executor.org is a suite of free tools designed to help you navigate your role as an. Executors are characters who play many roles. Sometimes their presence is caused by in-game matters, such as the spread of infection or to deliver information to characters; in other cases, they breach the fourth wall in order to speak directly to the player — often appearing to explain discrete game mechanics or to represent the game’s developers. The person appointed to administer the estate of a person who has died leaving a will which nominates that person. Unless there is a valid objection, the judge will appoint the.

This entry includes information regarding both Pathologic (2005) and Pathologic 2 (2019).
Executor (Исполнитель)
Orderly (Мортус)
Claw (Pathologic)
Talon (Pathologic 2)
Beak (Pathologic 2)
Russian Voice
Andrey Yaroslavstev (Pathologic)
Rogvold Sukhoverko (Pathologic)
Georgiy Martiorsyan (Pathologic 2)
Alexander Dziuba (Pathologic 2)
Andrey Barkhudarov (Pathologic 2)
Armin Schwing (Pathologic 2)
Erik Hansen (Pathologic 2)

The Executor is an orderly wearing a stage costume provided by the Theatre — a heavy cloak and a bird mask.


Orderlies—the volunteer medical assistants—use these costumes borrowed from the local theatre as protective cloaks. This is the traditional costume of the Reaper, an allegory of Death. The mask of Muu Shubuun, «the wicked bird.» Part of the Reaper costume from the local theatre. It doesn’t have eyeholes: the mask is mounted above an actor’s head, who peeks through a hole in the cloak.
From the Pathologic 2 art book

Executors are characters who play many roles. Sometimes their presence is caused by in-game matters, such as the spread of infection or to deliver information to characters; in other cases, they breach the fourth wall in order to speak directly to the player — often appearing to explain discrete game mechanics or to represent the game’s developers.

Executors For Roblox


The Executors will appear as both plague orderlies in protective costume, as well as figures of the Sand Plague. These figures are often referred to as Talon (known as Claw in Pathologic) and Beak, two Executors with a meta knowledge of the game's events. These specific Executors may be present during midnight pantomimes.

Executors for roblox

They are your ever-present companions who guide you through the game — or perhaps deceive you. They also appear at the end of each day at the Theatre to perform a pantomime based on the events of the day, or to predict the future.

It's hard to say how many Executors there are in the Town and if the Executor appearing here and there are the same two people or not.


When the player begins their journey as either the Bachelor, Haruspex, or Changeling an Executor (alongside a Tragedian if they are the Bachelor or the Changeling) will be waiting along some of their first steps, ready to explain to them how to play and exist in the word of Pathologic. They will teach the player information such as how to sate hunger and sate exhaustion, as well as how to manage time and dialogue.

If the player fails to complete certain crucial tasks, or if the Plague otherwise advances, an Executor will appear outside the door of a Bound who has fallen ill as a result. The player will be unable to speak with the sick individual unless they provide temporary medicine, or outright cure them.

On the final day of Pathologic an Executor can be spoken to in the Theatre regarding the events of the game. They, alongside the Tragedian, are refered to as 'The People Who Executed the Whole Thing' and act as virtual stand-ins for the developers.

Pathologic 2

Come now, you haven't given us any time to change the set!

This entry contains potential spoilers for Pathologic 2. Read at your own risk.

Come now, you haven't given us any time to change the set!

This entry contains potential spoilers for Pathologic 2. Read at your own risk.

In Pathologic 2 the Sand Plague will appear as an Executor who until Day 10 is refered to only as ???. The Executor will mock the Haruspex's efforts and insist that they are going to be the winner of the story. After the events at the Crowstone the Executor will be named 'Murky's Friend'. On Day 10 following the infection of Isidor Burakh's List the Executor will then be refereed to as 'Sand Plague'.

Not all Executors are bad omens, however. Many of the Town's Orderlies will don the garb of the Executor - a costume of Steppe creature called Muu Shubuun, 'the wicked bird' - in order to protect themselves from the Sand Plague. The distribution of theatrical Executor costumes are overseen by the Bachelor[1]. Normal Orderlies will lack bones hanging from their robe's shoulders.

On the midnight Pantomimes of Day 3, Day 4 and Day 10 the Executors Talon and Beak are the primary speakers. On the midnight of Day 3 Talon and Beak are present in the wings, and mock the efforts of the three healers on stage.

Pathologic: The Marble Nest

Birdies, birdies... gather ye here, round the marble nest...

This entry contains potential spoilers for Pathologic 2: The Marble Nest. Read at your own risk.

Birdies, birdies... gather ye here, round the marble nest...

This entry contains potential spoilers for Pathologic 2: The Marble Nest. Read at your own risk.

In Pathologic: The Marble Nest the Executor appear both as orderlies and manifestations of Death. On some occasions the same Executor may appear as both, flicking in and out of their orderly persona and their true meaning of Death. An Executor is the one to reveal to the Bachelor that he is truly dreaming, lost in his sickness-addled mind. Outside of the dream he is dying and the Executor offers to allow him to pass. The Bachelor may take the Executor's offer or, instead, he may becoming the Player and refuse to die, beginning the cycle anew.

Orderlies also appear as Executors. They are under the employment of the Bachelor but go against his orders to continue the quarantine as not only has Georgiy Kain overruled him, they also believe that he is dead. Many orderlies are planning to go across the river but some have stayed behind to clean up bodies in the condemned part of Town.


  • Executor (Plague variant) in dialogue

  • Executors during the introductory prologue

  • Talon and Beak by the Train Station

  • The Executors near the Train Station

  • An Executor with a Tragedian

  • Orderlies in Executor costume congregating outside the Stillwater

  • An Executor at the entrance of an infected district

  • An Executor in the Hospital

  • Executor by the Cathedral

  • Executor by the Cathedral

  • The Executors in the Theatre

  • Talon and Beak

  • Talon and Beak in a pantomime

  • The manifestation of the Plague as an Executor

  • The manifestation of the Plague appearing as an Executor in the Willows

  • The manifestation of the Plague appearing as an Executor in the Willows

  • The manifestation of the Plague appearing as an Executor in Stamatin's Loft

  • The Executors full model in the 2016 demo of Pathologic: The Marble Nest

  • The Executors full model in the 2016 demo of Pathologic: The Marble Nest

  • An Executor in the full release of Pathologic 2: The Marble Nest

  • An Executor in the full release of Pathologic 2: The Marble Nest

  • Orderlies in Executor costumes in the full release of Pathologic 2: The Marble Nest

  • The Executor that appears upon a death in the full release of Pathologic 2: The Marble Nest

  • The final Executor in the full release of Pathologic 2: The Marble Nest

  • The Executors' in-game portrait in the original Pathologic

  • The Executors' in-game portrait

  • The Executor in game

  • The Executor in game

  • The Executor in game

  • The Executor in Pathologic 2004 Alpha

  • The Masks in a pantomime

  • The Masks in a pantomime

  • The Executor in a pantomime

  • The Executor in the Theatre

  • The Masks in the Theatre

Official Art

  • The Executors concept art

  • The Executors concept art

  • Executor concept art

  • The Executors concept art

  • The Executors concept art

  • Full model of the Executors

  • Executor Steam trading card art for Pathologic Classic HD

  • Executor in a Steam profile background

  • The Executor concept art

  • The Executor concept art

  • The Executor concept art

  • Masks remake concept art

Animation Video


  • The Executors have several voice actors throughout the games.
    • Beak's original Pathologic voice actor is Andrey Yaroslavstev (Russian). Its Pathologic 2 voice actors are Georgiy Martiorsyan (Russian) and Armin Schwing (English).
    • Talon's (known as Claw in Pathologic) original voice actor is Rogvold Sukhoverko (Russian). Its Pathologic 2 voice actors are Alexander Dziuba (Russian), Andrey Barkhudarov (Russian), and Erik Hansen (English).


  1. 'I'm an orderly. We wear these costumes on Bachelor Dankovsky's orders.'

Andrey Stamatin • Eva Yan • Georgiy Kain • Mark Immortell • Maria Kaina • Peter Stamatin • Victor Kain • Vlad the Younger
Capella • Grace • Khan • Murky • Notkin • Sticky • Taya Tycheek
Alexander Saburov • Anna Angel • Aspity • Bad Grief • Katerina Saburova • Lara Ravel • Oyun • Stanislav Rubin • Yulia Lyuricheva
Big Vlad • Fellow Traveller • Isidor Burakh • Nina Kaina • Rat Prophet • Simon Kain • Victoria Olgimskaya
The Kin
Albino • Butchers • Herb Brides • Nara • Wonder Bull • Worms
Aglaya Lilich • Inquisition • Alexander Block • Army • The Powers That Be
Minor Characters
Barley the Barber • Captain Longin • Captain Ravel • Dora Feugel • Executor • Farkhad • Lika • Marat Ranin • Overseer Tycheek • Townsfolk • Tragedian • Var • Voronika Croy • Willow Mellow
Pathologic • Pathologic 2 • Pathologic: The Marble Nest
Retrieved from 'https://pathologic.gamepedia.com/Executor?oldid=35146'

An executor is someone who is responsible for executing, or following through on, an assigned task or duty. The feminine form, executrix, may sometimes be used.


Auguste Renoir, Portrait of a Woman, called of Mme Georges Hartmann, gift from General Bourjat, executor of Georges Hartmann (Musée d'Orsay)

An executor is a legal term referring to a person named by the maker of a will or nominated by the testator to carry out the instructions of the will. Typically, the executor is the person responsible for offering the will for probate, although it is not required that they fulfill this. The executor's duties also include disbursingproperty to the beneficiaries as designated in the will, obtaining information of potential heirs, collecting and arranging for payment of debts of the estate and approving or disapproving creditors' claims.

An executor will make sure estate taxes are calculated, necessary forms are filed, and tax payments are made[clarify]. They will also assist the attorney with the estate. Additionally, the executor acts as a legal conveyor who designates where the donations will be sent using the information left in bequests, whether they be sent to charity or other organizations. In most circumstances, the executor is the representative of the estate for all purposes, and has the ability to sue or be sued on behalf of the estate. The executor holds legal title to the estate property, but may not use the title or property for their own benefit, unless permitted by the terms of the will.

A person who deals with a deceased person's property without proper authority is known as an executor de son tort. Such a person's actions may subsequently be ratified by the lawful executors or administrators if the actions do not contradict the substantive provisions of the deceased's will or the rights of heirs at law.

When there is no will, a person is said to have died intestate—'without testimony.' As a result, there is no tangible 'testimony' to follow, and hence there can be no executor. If there is no will or the executors named in a will do not wish to act, an administrator of the deceased's estate may instead be appointed. The generic term for executors or administrators is personal representative. In England and Wales, when a person dies intestate in a nursing home, and has no family members who can be traced, those responsible for their care automatically become their executors.

Under Scottish law, a personal representative of any kind is referred to as an executor, using executor nominate to refer to an executor and executor dative to an administrator.

Where one or more executors elects not to act as an executor, he or she may retain a reserved power to step in as executor by signing a 'power reserved letter'. This may be useful in the event that the executor(s) undertaking the role are unable to complete the administration of the estate.[1]

Executor pay[edit]

In some countries, such as the United States, an executor is automatically entitled to compensation for his or her services, although this amount varies dramatically by jurisdiction. Unless specifically set by the will, this compensation is often determined by what is considered ″reasonable″ for the effort involved, although in a number of jurisdictions, the amount is instead set as a percentage of the overall estate. For example, in California the executor is entitled to 4% of the first $100K of estate value, 3% of the next $100K, and so on. In other countries, such as the United Kingdom, the executor is not automatically entitled to compensation, although compensation can be directed within the will or on application to a court.[2]

Insurance policies[edit]

In recent years, custom 'executors' insurance' policies have entered the marketplace. These are currently available in countries including Canada, England, and Wales. They are often taken up by non-professional executors—typically friends or family of the deceased—who may be worried about potentially making an error during the probate process and/or uncomfortable about exposing themselves to unlimited personal financial and legal liability. Many find such cover an attractive proposition as the vast majority of wills allow reasonable expenses, such as the cost of the policy, to be reclaimed from the deceased's estate.

See also[edit]


  1. ^Coop Legal Services, What does Power Reserved Mean in Probate?, published 20 March 2019, accessed 24 January 2021
  2. ^Executor Pay: Fees for the Executor or Administrator of an Estate, duhaime.org retrieved 19 January 2012

Executors For Roblox

External links[edit]

Executor Of Will What They Cannot Do

  • Executor of a will duties - A list of duties for a Will Executor (England & Wales only)
  • Executor Guide - Interactive guide for a Will Executor (United States & Canada only)
  • Canadian legislation and regulation (searchable by Province) governing executors of estates. Via CanLII.

Executorservice Java 8

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